
Stay mindful....

It's the morning rush hour and along with hundreds of other commuters, you are sitting on the metro. Everyone around you is busy ...or trying to look busy. They are focused on the most recent headlines or checking their email, maybe texting to catch up before they get to the office. Imagine that you stood up and announced to this group of people that your company has awarded a grant for a community program. If anyone bothers to look up at you, you are met with blank stares that imply - why are you interrupting me with this? Why would I care? Well, all too often communicators do the same thing and social media has just created a new place for us to do it to more people, more often. 

In a sea of clutter, Chris Brogan, social marketing strategist, has made sense again. He is telling us to stay mindful about the quality of what we push out and to keep it relevant. Check this out and stay mindful.

Stay Mindful 

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